How creepy would it be if it were easy to snoop and intercept all those texts, emails and photos you send over your mobile phone? Do you think that’s impossible, that the majority of the world’s mobile Internet traffic is protected by encryption? Think again. via Mobile Phone Eavesdropping Made Easy: Hackers Crack GPRS Encryption […]
Archive for the ‘In the News’ Category
Keeping up with the hackers (chart) | InSecurity Complex – CNET News

CNET has an brief article about the major hacks of the year: Keeping up with the hackers (chart) | InSecurity Complex – CNET News. You can view the direct link to the spreadsheet here.
And then they… circumsized me!

From “New Vision: Uganda’s Leading Website” comes a heart-touching story of a boy becoming a man. Wednesday, 13th September, 2006 A UGANDAN from Bugisu had to bear the brunt of forced circumcision in the sprawling Kibera slums of Nairobi on Sunday. However, the victim’s mother, Hellen Naliaka, supported the move by the residents, saying it […]
Need A Cooker? Use your cell phone

Are radiation emitting cell phones harmful or harmless? Who knows. But you can cook an egg with them! Read more here.
Screech selling T-shirts to save his house

According to MSN (AP) Dustin Diamond (Screech from Saved by the Bell) is selling T-Shirts to save his house from foreclosure. At $15 to $20 a piece he has a lot of shirts to sell. You can buy a shirt at his website.