Today I ran across an article about automatically versioning your CSS and JavaScript Files. The reason to do this is to maximize browser caching and therefore load time. The article is a bit old, but content is still relevent. I can’t wait to try it.
Posts Tagged ‘css’
Best CSS3 Button Maker: Button X
February 28th, 2012 etdot
Make great looking buttons for your website using HTML and CSS. No images necessary. With this tool you can choose color, font, site, corner roundness, etc. Once it looks the way you want it, click the button and it will generate the CSS for you to use.
Table Hell vs. Div Hell
September 30th, 2010 etdot
Today I revisited Smashing Magazine’s article, “Table Layouts vs. Div Layouts: From Hell to… Hell?“, and was reminded how insightful it is. For anyone in web developement it’s a good read on how and when to use div or table tags and how to use them properly with CSS for both content and presentation.