How to ensure your vagrant is running with administrative privileges

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If you have used vagrant on a Windows host, you’ve undoubtedly been bit once or twice when trying to create a symlink inside your vagrant guest inside shared folder on the host, especially if your vagrant guest is linux. The reason is that under windows, creating a symlink (using mklink.exe) requires Administrative privileges. If your ‘vagrant up’ command was not executed from an Administrative Command Prompt, your VM will not be able to create these symlinks on the host filesystem.

The solution to the symlink problem is easy, make sure you run your vagrant commands from an Administrative Command Prompt. But, should you forget, a lot of time can be wasted powering off your vm and restarting under new security context.

Wouldn’t it be nice if that initial ‘vagrant up’ command alerted you that you did not have the proper privileges? Here is how you can make that happen:

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Resize Virtual Hard Disk in VirtualBox

Ever run out of space on your Virtual Machine? Here’s how to fix that.

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Add Color to Ant Output

The following command on Linux will enable the AnsiColorLogger listener for default ant executions.
export ANT_ARGS='-logger'


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How to shrink Ubuntu 12.04 guest VirtualBox image

If you have done a lot of adding and removing of files on your Ubuntu 12.04 guest virtual machine, either by installing and uninstalling software or building and rebuilding source code or any other means you will eventually find that the dynamic virtual disk image size has increased and is much larger (on the host) than the actual data contained inside the guest operating system. You can reclaim this space by shrinking the VM image:

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Smart card ATR parsing

Here is a cool site which will parse a ISO 7816-3 Smart card ATR (Answer To Reset) for you. It makes use of the script which is available as part of pyscard OSS project.

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