
Speech to text is a wonderful feature of today’s cellphones, especially when driving. But, sometimes they just don’t have the vocabulary. Here is a simple message gone bad. It consists of “What I said” and “What the smart-phone heard”.


Forget it.

spaghetti and meat balls

A getty up can I get a.

spaghetti with meat balls

How about you meet with again?

This fucking thing does not know the word spaghetti

This !^&@#% thing does not know the word forget it.

meat with spaghetti

Meet with a getting.

meat with spaghetti

Meet with a kitty.

meat with spaghetti

Meet with the yetti.

spaghetti with meat

A gay with me.

spaghetti with meat

Forget it with me.

spaghetti with meat

 Forget it with me.

beef with spaghetti

Beef with the getty.

fetuccini, lasagna, angel hair, penne

Edit any luck on ya until her head.

noodles and sauce

Noodle laptop.

sauce with noodles

Up with no.

Part one: noodles

Part one noodle.

Part two: tomato sauce

Are 2 ma to suck?


Made up to.




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