Forms of Government

  • adhocracy – government in an unstructured fashion; an unstructured organization
  • anarchy – order without government
  • andrarchy/androcracy – government by men
  • anemocracy – government by the wind
  • aristocracy – government by the nobility
  • autarchy – government by an absolute ruler
  • autocracy – government by one individual
  • bureaucracy – government by civil servants
  • confederacy – a union of sovereign states
  • demarchy – government by the people by lot
  • democracy – government by the people
  • ethnocracy – government by a particular ethnic group
  • gerontocracy – government by the aged
  • gynarchy – government by women
  • gynocracy – government by women; gynarchy
  • heptarchy – government by seven people
  • hierarchy – government by a ranked body; government by priests
  • hierocracy – government by priests or religious ministers
  • kakistocracy – government by the worst
  • kleptocracy – government by thieves
  • matriarchy – government by women or mothers
  • meritocracy – government by those with merit
  • monarchy – government by one individual
  • ochlocracy – government by mobs
  • oligarchy – government by the few
  • panarchy – universal rule or dominion
  • particracy – government by political parties
  • patriarchy – government by men or fathers
  • plantocracy – government by plantation owners
  • plutocracy – government by the wealthy
  • polyarchy – government by many people
  • pornocracy – government by harlots
  • synarchy – joint sovereignty
  • technocracy – government by technical experts
  • tetrarchy – government by four people
  • thalassocracy – sovereignty of the seas
  • theocracy – government by priests or by religious law
  • timocracy – government by the propertied class
  • xerocracy – government by photocopying
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