Author Archive

Info on 3.9M Citigroup customers lost

CNNMoney reports 3.9 million Citigroup customers had their personal information stolen… er lost the other day. Citigroup blames UPS for losing the tapes that were supposed to be delivered to it’s CitiFinancial subisidiary. Information contained on the tapes "included Social Security numbers, names, account history and loan information about retail customers, and former customers, in the […]

Personal Info stolen… again.

More personal information stolen. This time from Wachovia and Bank of America. No worries though, only 700,000 customers affected. On the plus side, those affected get a free credit report.

Is your boss watching?

For those that think they have little privacy in their cube, consider this. According to an article at Cnet, 5% of US companies use GPS to monitor their employee’s cell phones. 8% use it to track their vehicles. 75% monitor websites visited. 36% track "content, keystrokes and time spent at the keyboard." 50% store/review employee […]

L.A. County jail tags inmates with RFID

L.A. County jail has decided to tag it’s inmates with RFID tags. This allows them to track and record each persons activities. For the moment, the RFID tags are contained in bracelets required to be worn by each inmate. I must admit this is much better than requiring chip implants like other place do. Guards […]

Circuit City Says There Should Be No Expectation Of Privacy

As if I needed another reason not to do business at Circuit City, I stumble across this article. The story goes like this:A woman takes her old computer into Circuit City when buying a new one and askes to have her files transfered to disk. The wonderful employees transfer her files to a floor model […]