If you have used vagrant on a Windows host, you’ve undoubtedly been bit once or twice when trying to create a symlink inside your vagrant guest inside shared folder on the host, especially if your vagrant guest is linux. The reason is that under windows, creating a symlink (using mklink.exe) requires Administrative privileges. If your […]
Author Archive
Add Color to Ant Output
November 19th, 2015 etdot
The following command on Linux will enable the AnsiColorLogger listener for default ant executions. export ANT_ARGS=’-logger org.apache.tools.ant.listener.AnsiColorLogger’
How to shrink Ubuntu 12.04 guest VirtualBox image
July 21st, 2014 etdot
If you have done a lot of adding and removing of files on your Ubuntu 12.04 guest virtual machine, either by installing and uninstalling software or building and rebuilding source code or any other means you will eventually find that the dynamic virtual disk image size has increased and is much larger (on the host) […]
Smart card ATR parsing
February 26th, 2014 etdot
Identify a ISO7816-3 smart card and it’s capabilities with this online resource which will parse the ATR.
Publish BlackBerry OTA app on your own web server with .jad and .cod files
January 31st, 2014 etdot
Learn how to edit your web server MIME types to publish BlackBerry OTA app using .cod and .jad files.